10 Types of Logo and How to Use Them

by Wegic Team

Sep 9, 2024

A company's logo is the first impression of the brand. A well-designed logo is like the brand's exclusive signature, like Nike's "Hook" mark or Apple's "Bite of the Apple", these simple symbols have been deeply rooted in people's minds and have become the brand's symbols around the globe.
The logo is also a digital asset of the company, which will be due in various places, product packaging or a small icon on the mobile side of the screen, it is used as a symbol to differentiate it from its competitors, and will play a vital role in any event and place.
In this article we'll discover 10 types of logos along with great examples and advantages of them and how you'll use them for distinctive purposes.
10 types of logos
  • Wordmark Logo
  • Monogram Logo
  • Pictorial Mark/Brand Mark
  • Abstract Logo Mark
  • Combination Mark
  • Mascot Logo
  • Emblem Logo
  • Dynamic Logo
  • Animated Logo
  • 3D Logo

10 Types of Logo

01 Wordmark logo


It is a logo that focuses only on fonts. This is a logo design that contains only the name of the company and does not contain any other elements such as symbols, mascots, emblems, and so on.
This type of logo focuses on typography, allowing the brand name itself to be designed as the logo.


  • People can recognize your brand name clearly and straightforwardly, so that over time it can be remembered and associated with your business name, which ultimately builds brand recognition.
  • This type of logo is perfect for cross-platform amount media use, and if it's the choice of a company with global ambitions, it can be easily translated into other languages without losing the original meaning or design aesthetic.

When and how to use it

  • Wordmarks are perfect for newly created businesses or those with unique names, as they help build brand identity from the start. They are best suited for companies with short names or when the name itself is the focus of the brand identity.
  • Wordmarks are an excellent choice for companies wishing to spread their name over the world because their logo will appear on all of their communication and marketing materials.


Google, Coca-Cola, and FedEx are classic examples of Wordmark logos, where the brand name is the primary visual element.

02 Monogram Logo


A monogram logo is a design emblem based on the text of a company's name that looks similar to a text logo. It is characterized as just an acronym of the brand name, rather than the full name of the company.
  • Designing the logo in this way allows the viewer to recognize the brand name in a simple and efficient way, which is more appropriate for company brands with long names.
  • And this logo is so expansive that each name makes it easy for people to reason out what the brand name is, and we're very familiar with the name NASA. NASA has become a household name. But its full name, although no one can repeat it, knows that NASA is very easy to expand to the full name.

When and how to use it

  • A monogram logo is ideal for companies with long names that want to be recognized by their initials. Companies wishing to create a strong professional image are advised to use a combination of letter logos.
  • They are also a good choice if you are a brand that believes in minimalism.


IBM, CNN and HBO use the lettermark logo to simplify longer names into simple, recognizable initials.

03 Brand Mark


Through creative design, Brand Mark combines words and special graphics. This type of logo is a logo that uses a specific image in the real world or an icon that represents the brand in a literal or symbolic way.
  • In general, individuals find it far simpler to recall unique and distinctive shapes than names or specific letters. Instantly recognizable and memorable. It can convey meaning and brand identity without using text.
  • Brand Recognition. Once an icon enriches a brand to become an iconic quality, it influences the brand to be elevated to iconic status as well.

When and how to use it

Well-known brands often establish strong brand recognition through graphic logos. Consumers are highly cognizant of these brand logos, so the use of graphic logos can enhance the brand's impact.
For new brands, the lack of brand recognition means that consumers may not be able to recognize the brand through the graphic logo. Therefore, care needs to be taken when choosing a graphic logo.
If a new brand decides to use a graphic logo, the design should be unique and creative in order to stand out in the market. This design can help the brand quickly grab the attention of the target audience and create an emotional connection.


Apple's bitten apple and Twitter's bird are iconic examples of Pictorial Marks.

04 Abstract Logo


An abstract logo mark is a logo that uses geometric or abstract graphics to evoke a specific feeling or concept associated with a brand. This type of logo may be understood differently for everyone, and it evokes emotions that often leave a lasting impression.
  • Abstract logos convey meaning through a combination of shapes, colors and negative space. This design approach allows the logo to be more than just a simple graphic, but to convey deeper emotions and ideas.
  • Creativity and customization, designers have greater freedom to explore possibilities when creating abstract logos. Such designs not only reflect the personality of the brand but also visually appeal to the audience.
  • Brand uniqueness, abstract logos can help brands stand out in the marketplace because they are not constrained by traditional graphics and can create unique and creative images.

When and how to use it

Abstract logos are particularly effective for brands that are not easily recognized in different languages. They do not rely on specific linguistic or cultural symbols and can cross language barriers for easy understanding and acceptance by a global audience.


The Nike swoosh and the Pepsi globe are famous examples of Abstract Logo Marks.

05 Combination Mark


A combination trademark is a trademark that combines a word mark or letter mark with a graphic mark, abstract mark or mascot and is a composite logo that has both the words of the brand's name. Businesses tend to keep this type of logo when they first register it to maintain their uniqueness and also to avoid malicious use by competitors.
Combination marks allow brands to combine their name with a unique symbol or icon, which enhances the brand image and makes it more recognizable.
Combination marks offer greater flexibility in that brands can use a combination of text and graphic elements, or graphic elements alone, depending on different market needs and audiences.
The design of the portfolio logo allows the brand to be applied flexibly in different settings and mediums to meet different market needs.

When and how to use it

For companies that don't yet know their name, a combination mark (containing both text and graphic elements) can be effective in helping to build brand recognition. The text portion clearly communicates the brand name, while the graphic elements enhance the visual appeal.
As a brand grows and becomes more recognizable, companies can gradually reduce their reliance on text and move to using only icons or text. This flexibility allows the brand to remain recognizable at different stages.


Burger King and Adidas are examples of Combination Marks.

06 Mascot Logo


The mascot logo is a very common type of logo, and generally, this type of logo is designed to evoke the personality of your brand. You can use the mascot as a virtual brand ambassador.
  • Mascots usually have a friendly image that captures the audience's attention and enhances brand affinity. This characteristic makes them very effective in social media and marketing campaigns.
  • Mascots can be used in conjunction with animations and other motion effects to enhance the visual experience and make the brand message more vivid and interesting. This dynamic representation can better capture the attention of the audience.

When and how to use it

Mascots portray friendly, approachable brand images, and mascot logos are the ideal type of logo for brands targeting families or children.


The Michelin Man and KFC's Colonel are famous Mascot Logos.

07 Emblem Logo


A badge logo is a sign that consists of text or symbols included in a design, often similar to a badge, seal, or insignia. Some of the earliest symbols used for badges, seals, stamps, and logos of government agencies are emblems. Emblems are connected to exceptional quality and dependability due to their intricacy and lengthy history.


  • Badge design includes graphic elements, allowing more room for creativity in the visual presentation of a brand. Instead of relying solely on text, designers can communicate the core values and personality of a brand through graphics, colors and shapes.
  • The graphic elements in a badge can communicate the brand's core concepts and values and help consumers better understand the brand's positioning. For example, automotive brand badges are often associated with ideas such as speed, power and technological innovation.

When and how to use it

Crest logos are the best choice for companies with a long history or those that wish to project dependability and credibility.
Companies use crest logos to look trustworthy and retro at the same time. This kind of logo is a great option for contemporary companies who wish to communicate assurance, reliability, tradition, and legacy.


Badge designs for many classic brands such as Volkswagen and Porsche.

08 Dynamic Logo


When a logo is dynamic, it changes form according to the context, media, or application. This might happen when a certain feature of the logo, such the icon's orientation or color location, changes, or when the entire design is drastically altered every time the logo is displayed. yet never changing its primary emblem.


  • Dynamic logos keep things interesting, engaging the viewer by providing a fresh and varied visual experience.
  • Adaptive elements are a good way to approach dynamic logo design because they can be made to change or adapt according to various contexts, platforms, or user interactions. By adding this flexibility, you can make your logo more consistent across a range of media, which will improve the image of your brand.

When and how to use it

Dynamic Logos are ideal types of logos for innovative, forward-thinking brands.
Your brand exposure will leave your audience eager to engage more with your brand. Google is probably the strongest example of a large company currently utilizing the concept of dynamic logos.


Google’s daily doodles and MTV’s logo variations are examples of Dynamic Logos.

09 Animated Logo


Animated logos are a common element for branding and marketing. Motion designers give static logos a fresh, distinctive look. A logo that uses animation to add motion and give the logo life is called an animated logo.


  • People form the opinion of a brand in seconds, and animated logos can quickly grab attention and leave a lasting impression.
  • Effective animated logos not only convey the brand message, but also stimulate emotions such as excitement and curiosity in the viewer. This emotional connection helps to deepen brand memory.
  • Animated logos can tell a brand story through dynamic elements that demonstrate the brand's uniqueness and values. This narrative is more engaging than a static logo.

When and How to use it

Animated logos are the ideal logo type for brands with a strong online presence or brands looking to utilize digital media for marketing.
A smart method to wrap up your message and remind the audience who you are is to include animated logos at the start and finish of your branded film.
Animated logos are utilized in a range of contexts. For example, an animated logo on a website's homepage can astonish and thrill visitors. Remember that your animation can only loop once, though. Constant action has the potential to dull and distract guests.


The Pixar logo with hopping lights and the animated Google logo during special events are examples of animated logos.

10 3D Logo


A 3D logo is a logo type that uses three-dimensional design techniques to create logos with depth and texture. To make your brand stand out even more, consider making it three-dimensional. Make your emblem appear to be formed of metal, make the shapes surrounding your brand name look like actual objects, or make the letters in your wordmark stand out from the page.
  • They embody innovation and modernity. 3D better reflects the brand's modern, sophisticated look and stands out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Another fantastic method to give users an immersive experience and make your brand stand out in a crowded market is using 3D animated logos. They help you raise brand awareness and simplify and make complex concepts more enjoyable to discuss.

When and how to use it

  • 3D Logo is the ideal logo type for brands in technology, gaming or any industry where innovation and modernity are key.
  • Innovative and tech-savvy companies can use this look to highlight how they embrace modernity and technology. By making your company seem polished and forward-thinking, 3D logos can win over your target audience's confidence and allegiance.


The Sony PlayStation logo and the Universal Studios globe are examples of 3D logos.

Final Thought

Creating a brand that is truly yours is more than just designing a logo. The key is to stay true to your values and personality while pinpointing what makes you unique from your competitors. A consistent brand tone, colors, fonts, and visuals across platforms are essential. Additionally, having a deep understanding of your target audience and how they interact with your brand will help you build brand loyalty and a deep emotional connection over the long term.
As a web designer, it is important to first gain a deep understanding of the brand's needs and choose the right type of logo. Design multiple versions to suit different platforms and fully test and optimize upon completion to ensure consistency and perfect brand visuals.
But starting with the right types of logo and conducting trend and competitor research can set you on the right path.

Types of Logo FAQs

Why are there so many types of logos?
There are many types of logos because each brand has unique needs and goals, and different logo styles offer flexibility in how a brand's identity is communicated.
How many types of logos should a brand have?
A brand typically should have one primary logo that serves as its main visual identity. However, it's often beneficial for a brand to have variations of that logo to suit different contexts and uses.
What type of logo should I design first?
When designing your first logo, combination mark is recommended to start with. It combines text and symbols in a way that is both flexible and easily recognizable, suitable for a variety of mediums and offers scope for future brand development. With a text mark or monogram logo in place, you can start to think about adding other elements to create more complex logos.
Which type of logo is best?
There isn't a universally "best" type of logo, as the effectiveness of a logo type depends on various factors specific to the brand, such as its industry, target audience, brand personality, and marketing goals. However, each type of logo has strengths.

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